I am here to help you achieve your goals IN-PERSON!

If you live in the Los Angeles area, book a time to train with me in person by joining my wait list.

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  • After NO exercise during Covid lock down, my loss of strength, balance and range of motion was significant! After only several weeks working with Gunnar on his stretching and core strengthening regime, I regained my pre-Covid physical well being. Continuing working with him over the last year has turned back the hands of time in regards to my physical fitness. - Thanks Gunnar!

    Paul Vitello: In-Person Client
  • Gunnar is a catalyst to my physical & mental well-being. Hitting 60ish (that’s years, not pounds) -- I appreciate all the advice, encouragement, accomplishments & creativity Gunnar’s aura directs my way. Towards the end of each evening, and when I get a bit grouchy -- my wife says “you didn’t see Gunnar today, did you?

    Peter Godefroy: In-Person Client
